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BBL™ forever Young Fotofacial

Clinically proven to “turn back the clock” by addressing the visible signs of aging skin, BBL® HERO™ offers a faster-than-standard treatment and improved outcomes. Treat with confidence knowing your patient’s skin will look clearer, smoother, and that pigment and vascularity will be reduced for an overall revitalized appearance.





Sciton’s Forever Clear BBL™ treatment uses a combination of blue, yellow, and infra-red light to eliminate bacteria, reduce inflammation, and promote the body’s natural healing process.

The treatment is safe and comfortable for patients of all ages.


From teens struggling with hormonal acne to adults experiencing adult-onset acne, this revolutionary technology can handle it all.


No Downtime. Patients can enjoy normal social activities immediately afterwards, and there is no heavy or time-intensive post-care.



Essentially, BBL and IPL are nearly the same treatment. BBL stands for “Broad-band Light” and IPL stands for “Intense Pulsed Light”. They use very similar technology, the BBL is just a newer form of the IPL treatment. IPL mainly targets pigmented lesions, collagen production, and general redness in the skin. Whereas with the BBLs different filters, we can target pigmentation, acne, individual facial vessels, rosacea, hair reduction, bruises, cherry angiomas, and even more. This is not to say that IPL is not effective and you won’t get great results, the BBL is just a little more customizable to patients with multiple skin conditions. 

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